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Websites in English » ATV Road Disput
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Is this still road construction or already destruction of the landscape?

Of course, the road also crosses a number of rivers, streams and rivulets on the stretch from Hundesø to Kangerluarsuk Tulleq, which either carry water all the time or after rain or thaw. At not a single place that I have seen has a bridge been built over the rivers, streams and rivulets. This means that the ATVs have to cross the waters here, naturally sinking deep into the subsoil and thus leaving a trail of mire that is soon no longer passable even for ATVs. The next ATV then crosses the watercourse a bit above or below this spot. So what is supposed to be an ATV road soon becomes a very wide mud barrier.
For ethical reasons, I have not ridden along this route on an ATV and have only seen the structure called an ATV road in this way where it replaces the original construction style after the first two kilometres, where the hiking trail to Sisimiut crosses this route a little further on and where, a few kilometres north of the Eqalugaarniarfik hut, this structure continues on the original route (north route) of the hiking trail to its end. The latter stretch is about 50 km long. During my hike this year, my camera was damaged by water, so I was not able to take any photos of this section. The following five pictures, taken at the point where the hiking trail and the ATV trail meet, were sent to me by e-mail by a hiker who was there after me.
... und so sieht die ATV-Straße wirklich aus.

If I hadn't seen for myself in July 2022 that the alleged ATV road between the lake north of the Eqalugaarnjarfik hut and Sisimiut looks like the photos above, I would find it hard to believe. But it is the truth. This brazenness, which the municipality of Qeqqata presents to the world, really has nothing to do with road construction, not even with the construction of a so-called ATV road. And yet, on the section of the construction called "natural road", ATV traffic had not even opened in July 2022 when I was there. I didn't see any ATV there. What you see in the pictures is only the result of the "construction work", for which far more than the originally estimated costs have been paid in the meantime.
Once ATV traffic is opened, the "road" can look after just under a year like the picture shown at the beginning of this article.
© Frieder Weiße, 2021

In the meantime, however, the Qeqqata municipality is still distributing the promotional brochures about the "road project", which really have nothing to do with reality anymore. After the publication of such a brochure in Danish, there is now also one in English, in which the following picture can be seen from page 26:
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